Upload and download speeds – if you’ve shopped around for new internet for even a minute, you’ve undoubtedly heard mention of these. Amidst the handful of other perks accompanying high-speed internet, upload and download speeds rank near the top in importance. The quality of the remainder of the benefits on that list directly correlates to your Internet Service Provider’s (ISP) offered speeds.
At Fort Collins Connexion, a local ISP brought forth for and by the people of Fort Collins, upload and download speeds are one of the things we do best. With our symmetrical 1-gig fiber-optic internet services (more on that in a moment), you’re free to do more with your internet. Below, we’ll address some things our upload and download speeds allow you to do better.
But first, let’s talk about those symmetrical gigs.
What is the Internet?
We’re joking, of course. Still, much of how the internet works is shrouded in mystery for most people. Researching your next ISP can be frustrating without at least a basic understanding of the inner workings of the internet – particularly so within the discussion of upload and download speeds.
Breathe deep. We’re here to help.
How the Internet Works
From the top, the internet does its work via the transmission of data across a vast network of computers. In broader terms, the internet is an infrastructure that connects the world’s computers to one another – a “network of networks.” (HighSpeedInternet).
These global connections are made possible by underground cables—mostly fiber-optic cables these days—that link networks to one another. There are three “tiers” of networks that rank in order of breadth. Regional tier 1 networks are connected to national tier 2 networks which are then connected to the global tier 3 networks that traverse the oceans’ depths (spooky).
(helpful resource: How Does the Internet Work)
How Information Travels
All of our digital assets are composed of tiny bits and bytes. For perspective, the symbol that appears on your screen when you press a key on your keyboard is 8 bits, or 1 byte. We know, it can be confusing – we cover the bit/byte conundrum in more detail elsewhere. (see: “What is 1 Gig in Mbps?” and Other Internet Questions)
Our digital assets are made up of a lot of those bits and bytes. Those assets are broken up into smaller packages known as data packets, which keep all those bits and bytes organized when we send them through the internet. Those packets are then stamped with “to and from” addresses along with instructions for how to put them all back together once they arrive at their final destination. After that, they’re sent on their journey across the internet and reassembled for their recipient.
Easy peasy.
About Those Upload and Download Speeds
With our newly found basic understanding of the inner workings of the internet, let’s readdress those upload and download speeds. When we talk about internet speeds, we commonly refer to download speeds. This is because download speeds are typically faster than upload speeds, and faster speeds are more marketable. But also, the average internet user is more interested in download speeds – short download times for video games, quick web page loads, and smooth video streaming being just a few examples.
About Download Speeds
Download speed is the speed at which data arrives at your computer from the internet. Every webpage loaded, every movie streamed, every update made, it all comes from a server somewhere, and your download speeds indicate how quickly it can arrive when beckoned for.
A significant player in download speeds is your available bandwidth. You can think of bandwidth as the size of a road. A one-lane road during rush hour will get congested with many cars trying to reach their destination at the same time. A five-lane freeway, on the other hand, unless you’re in Denver or LA, is much more equipped to handle large amounts of traffic and with minimal congestion.
The principle is the same for bandwidth. Greater bandwidth allows more data packets to arrive at your computer with less delay.
About Upload Speeds
Often unthought of, upload speeds play a significant role in your internet experience. While download speeds measure how quickly data arrives at your computer, upload speeds measure how fast it travels from your computer to its destination.
You use your upload speeds when you send an email, post a video on social media, or text a photo to your friend. Even when you click a link – that link clicked is a request sent for whatever you’re hoping to receive.
About Symmetrical Speeds
Most ISPs offer asymmetrical upload and download speeds, meaning their download speeds are faster than their upload speeds. Fiber-optic broadband internet, however, provides symmetrical upload and download speeds. Even further, the speeds you get with fiber are significantly faster than those you’d get from cable or DSL.
The Federal Communications Commission defines a broadband connection as one of at least 25 Mbps download and 3 Mbps upload speed. (FCC) Fiber well exceeds those standards, with the average fiber service providing symmetrical, 1,000 Mbps (megabits per second) service. (HighSpeedInternet)

How Fiber Helps You Do More
The lightning-fast upload and download speeds available with fiber-optic internet, enable you to get more out of your internet service.
Below are just a few of the many benefits of choosing fiber.
Smoother Internet Experience
The infrastructure of fiber-optic internet provides reliable speeds formerly unknown in our increasingly digital world. The technological advancements of fiber deliver heightened thresholds in bandwidth, which means your internet use will be distraction-free. Stream content, win the match, and surf the web, all with greater clarity and consistency.
More Efficient Storage
With faster upload and download speeds, you can make the most of the cloud. A massive digital storage shed is only as good as one’s ability to retrieve belongings when needed. With fiber, downloading and uploading files and applications from the cloud is a breeze.
Minimal Latency Effects
Latency (or ping rate) is the time required for a signal to travel from your computer to a remote server and back. (HighSpeedInternet) Fiber internet’s download and upload speeds shorten the time needed for these round trips, which means less lag while gaming. With the low latency of fiber, the only thing standing between you and victory is your reaction time.
Improved Video Quality
Reductions in latency made possible by fiber also provide you with crystal clear video and fewer interruptions. That means no freezing, delay, or dropouts during work zoom meetings, family FaceTime calls, and date-night-in movies.
Do More with Connexion’s Upload and Download Speeds
Fiber-optic technology is the key to getting the most out of the internet. That’s why our mission at Fort Collins Connexion was to provide a fiber-optic infrastructure to propel our community into the future with faster and more reliable internet services. Now that Connexion’s fiber optic is here, you have access to the upload and download speeds that allow you to do the most with your internet service. So, what more will you do?