Network Management Policy


Fort Collins Connexion is committed to providing high-quality, reliable broadband internet service to our community. Our goal is to ensure a fair, open, and efficient internet experience for all our customers. This Network Management Policy outlines how we manage our network to achieve these goals and maintain the quality of our service.

Network Management Practices

No Blocking or Throttling

  • Connexion does not block access to lawful content or otherwise prevent end user(s) access to lawful content, applications, service, or non-harmful devices.
  • We do not throttle, degrade or impair access to lawful internet traffic on the basis of content, application, service, user, or use of a non-harmful device.

No Paid Prioritization and Affiliate Traffic

  • We do not engage in paid prioritization. This means we do not prioritize traffic or offer “fast lanes” for certain content, applications, services, or devices in exchange for consideration from third parties.
  • We do not favor some traffic over other traffic, including through use of techniques such as traffic shaping, prioritization, or resource reservation, to benefit an affiliate.

Congestion Management

  • Congestion management is applied equally across all users and devices, without regard to the source or content of the traffic.
  • Connexion monitors its network on a continuous basis to determine utilization and reinforces with additional capacity in areas where growth identifies a need.

Network Monitoring and Maintenance

  • We monitor network performance to identify and resolve issues proactively, ensuring optimal network performance and minimizing outages or disruptions.
  • We engage in network management practices intended to address threats to its network and customers. Connexion reserves the right at any time to take action necessary to protect the integrity of its network and other parts of the Internet. This may include terminating or suspending service to customers who engage in activity that violates our Acceptable Use Policy, including but not limited to activity that threatens to undermine the integrity of Connexion’s network or services.
  • Connexion uses industry standard tools and generally accepted best practices and policies to prevent customers and other internet users from experiencing the negative effects of Internet threats such as viruses, spam, denial of service attacks, and other unwanted or harmful online content and activities.
  • Regular maintenance is scheduled during low-usage periods to minimize any impact on customers.

Application-Specific Behavior

  • We do not engage in practices that target specific applications or services for blocking, throttling, or any other form of restriction.
  • However, we may implement reasonable network management practices to ensure that harmful or unlawful content (e.g., malware, viruses) is not transmitted over our network.

Device Attachment Rules

  • Customers may attach any device of their choice to the Connexion internet service that is compatible with our network (i.e., supports IPv4 and/or IPv6 via Ethernet or Wi-Fi technologies), does not violate our terms of service, and does not cause harm to the network, other users, or the provision of internet access service. The performance a user experiences may vary depending on the capability and configuration of devices being used on the service.
  • Devices that cause harm to the network, interfere with other users’ access to the network, or violate security protocols may be restricted or removed.

Privacy and Security

  • We are committed to protecting the privacy and security of our customers’ information. We do not inspect the content of traffic or use network management practices that compromise user privacy.
  • Network security measures are in place to protect against unauthorized access, malware, and other threats to our network and customers.

Impact on Data Rates

  • Any network management practices employed are designed to be as minimally intrusive as possible. We strive to avoid any impact on your data rates or broadband experience.


Questions or Concerns

If you have any questions or concerns about this Network Management Policy or Connexion’s practices, please contact our customer service team at 970-212-2900.

This policy ensures transparency and aligns with principles of net neutrality, helping to build trust with your community by providing a clear, fair, and open approach to network management.

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