With so many different streaming services out in the world today, it can be overwhelming to try to find the one that is best suited for your needs. That is why Connexion is bringing you an easy and affordable option without sacrificing any quality. Learn more about...
With the technological revolution of cell phones, some might consider landlines obsolete. However, this is not the case, especially in terms of your safety. With features such as reverse 911 and e911 embedded into Connexion’s phone plans, we are keeping your safety...
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) recently ruled in a unanimous vote to expand broadband choice amongst renters in multi-unit buildings. What exactly does this ruling mean and how will expanded broadband choice benefit you? Learn more by reading below. What...
Throughout history, women have made positive contributions to every part of the world around us. To celebrate Women’s History Month, here are some of the women who helped create the internet and contributed significantly to the development and establishment of...
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